nds file and it'll start the Wood firmware. nds boot file onto the sd card (the location does not matter). Install the appropriate wood firmware you wish to use.nds launcher that matches the firmware you have downloaded: These are launch files created to boot into the Wood R4 firmware while using another firmware such as YSMenu. Note that the file _DS_MENU.DAT of Wood R4 has the same name as other firmware startup programs, so if you already have another firmware in use, you will have to overwrite it. To install, unzip the archive and copy both the _rpg folder and the _DS_MENU.DAT file to the root of your card.
NDS boot files by CoolKill3rX - Wood Firmwares encrypted in.Wood R4 Kernel by Yellow Wood Goblin - FW 1.62 for R4, R4iDSN and Acekard R.P.G.Note: Please note that only Wood R4 for the original R4, R4i Gold (r4ids.cn), R4iDSN () and Acekard R.P.G. There are multiple versions available, for the original R4. It brings exclusive features, ROM compatibility and support along its numerous updates. Wood R4 is an alternative to the original R4 menu.